Sign in to Clever

Sign in to Clever

(if you don't have a St. Charles issued Chromebook)

There are two ways to sign into Clever: 1) using a Clever badge and 2) using Google credentials. Both methods are outlined below. You must start from your web browser.

Sign in using a Clever badge

Downloading a Clever badge: (start here if your child doesn't yet have a badge)

You can download and print your child's badge right from the Clever portal. Use the instructions under Sign in using your St. Charles Google account below. After signing in, click your child's name in the upper-right corner of the portal and click Download Badge. This will save a PDF to your device. Just print it and you're ready to go.

Note: Students in grades 4-8 are required to set a six digit pin on their first use of the badge. They will need this pin to access Clever from this point forward.

Once you have a badge:

This is the easiest method for signing into Clever. The badge is just a printed QR code students hold up in front of the webcam when logging into Clever. For all students up to and including third grade, they only need to show their badge. For students in fourth grade and above, they also need to enter a six digit pin number for extra security.

Follow these steps to sign in using a Clever badge:

  1. From your Chrome web browser, visit

2. Click the blue Clever Badge log in button under the QR symbol to use a Clever badge.

2. Hold up your Clever badge to the webcam. As soon as you see a green check mark and hear a tone, you are logged into Clever.

Note: Students in 4-8th grades will also need to enter their pin numbers.

Sign in using your St. Charles Google account

  1. From your Chrome web browser, visit

2. Click the Log in with Google button on the left.

2. If you see your picture, click on it. Otherwise, type in the first part of your email address (the part before the @ symbol) and click Next.

3. Type your password in the box and click Next.